Title: | Frailty Models via Hierarchical Likelihood |
Description: | Implements the h-likelihood estimation procedures for general frailty models including competing-risk models and joint models. |
Authors: | Il Do Ha, Maengseok Noh, Jiwoong Kim, Youngjo Lee |
Maintainer: | Maengseok Noh <[email protected]> |
License: | Unlimited |
Version: | 2.3 |
Built: | 2025-03-12 06:02:05 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/frailtyHL |
The frailtyHL package fits frailty models which are Cox's proportional hazards models incorporating random effects. The function implements the h-likelihood estimation procedures. For the frailty distribution lognormal and gamma are allowed. The h-likelihood uses the Laplace approximation when the numerical integration is intractable, giving a statistically efficient estimation in frailty models. (Ha, Lee and Song, 2001; Ha and Lee, 2003, 2005; Lee, Nelder and Pawitan, 2017; Ha, Jeong and Lee, 2017). This package handles various random-effect survival models such as time-dependent frailties, competing-risk frailty models, AFT random-effect models, and joint modelling of linear mixed models and frailty models. It also provides penalized variable-selection procedures (LASSO, SCAD and HL).
Package: | frailtyHL |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 2.1 |
Date: | 2016-09-19 |
License: | Unlimited |
LazyLoad: | yes |
This is version 2.2 of the frailtyHL package.
Il Do Ha, Maengseok Noh, Jiwoong Kim, Youngjo Lee
Maintainer: Maengseok Noh <[email protected]>
Ha, I. D. and Lee, Y. (2003). Estimating frailty models via Poisson Hierarchical generalized linear models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 12, 663-681.
Ha, I. D. and Lee, Y. (2005). Comparison of hierarchical likelihood versus orthodox best linear unbiased predictor approaches for frailty models. Biometrika, 92, 717-723.
Ha, I. D., Lee, Y. and Song, J. K. (2001). Hierarchical likelihood approach for frailty models. Biometrika, 88, 233-243.
Ha, I. D., Jeong, J. and Lee, Y. (2017). Statistical modelling of survival data with random effects. Springer.
Lee, Y., Nelder, J. A. and Pawitan, Y. (2017). Generalised linear models with random effects: unified analysis via h-likelihood. 2nd Edition. Chapman and Hall: London.
data(kidney) kidney_g12<-frailtyHL(Surv(time,status)~sex+age+(1|id),kidney)
data(kidney) kidney_g12<-frailtyHL(Surv(time,status)~sex+age+(1|id),kidney)
Bladder is an extension of Bladder0 to competing risks with 396 patients with bladder cancer from 21 centers, focusing on two competing endpoints, i.e, time to first bladder recurrence (an event of interest; Type 1 event) and time to death prior to recurrence (competing event; Type 2 event).
A data frame with 396 observations on the following 13 variables.
Observation number
Institution number of 24 centers
Time to event
Event indicator(1=recurrence, 2=death before recurrence, 0=no event)
Treatment indicator representing chemotherapy(0=No, 1=Yes)
Age(0, <= 65 years; 1, > 65 years)
Sex(0=male, 1=female)
Prior recurrent rate(0, primary; 1, <= 1/yr; 2, > 1/yr)
Number of tumors(0, single; 1, 2-7 tumors; 2, >= 8 tumors)
Tumor size(0, < 3cm; 1, >= cm)
T cotegory(0=Ta, 1=T1)
Carcinoma in situ (0=No, 1=Yes)
G grage(0=G1, 1=G2, 2=G3)
Sylvester, R., van der Meijden, A.P.M., Oosterlinck, W., Witjes, J., Bouffioux, C., Denis, L., Newling, D.W.W. and Kurth, K. (2006). Predicting recurrence and progression in individual patients with stage Ta T1 bladder cancer using EORTC risk tables: a combined analysis of 2596 patients from seven EORTC trials. European Urology, 49, 466-477.
Ha, I.D., Sylvester, R., Legrand, C. and MacKenzie, G. (2011). Frailty modelling for survival data from multi-centre clinical trials. Statistics in Medicine, 30, 28-37.
Bladder0 is a subset of 410 patients from a full data set with bladder cancer from 21 centers that participated in the EORTC trial (Sylvester et al., 2006). Time to event is the duration of the disease free interval (DFI), which is defined as time from randomization to the date of the first recurrence.
A data frame with 410 observations on the following 5 variables.
Institution number of 24 centers
Time to the first recurrence from randomization
Censoring indicator(1=recurrence, 0=no event)
Treatment indicator representing chemotherapy(0=No, 1=Yes)
Indicator representing prior recurrent rate(0=Primary, 1=Recurrent)
Sylvester, R., van der Meijden, A.P.M., Oosterlinck, W., Witjes, J., Bouffioux, C., Denis, L., Newling, D.W.W. and Kurth, K. (2006). Predicting recurrence and progression in individual patients with stage Ta T1 bladder cancer using EORTC risk tables: a combined analysis of 2596 patients from seven EORTC trials. European Urology, 49, 466-477.
Ha, I.D., Sylvester, R., Legrand, C. and MacKenzie, G. (2011). Frailty modelling for survival data from multi-centre clinical trials. Statistics in Medicine, 30, 28-37.
The CGD data set in Fleming and Harrington (1991) is from a placebo-controlled randomized trial of gamma interferon in chronic granulomatous disease. In total, 128 patients from 13 hospitals were followed for about 1 year. The number of patients per hospital ranged from 4 to 26. Each patient may experience more than one infection. The survival times (times-to-event) are the times between recurrent CGD infections on each patient (i.e. gap times). Censoring occurred at the last observation for all patients, except one, who experienced a serious infection on the date he left the study.
A data frame with 203 observations on the following 16 variables.
Patient number for 128 patients
Enrolling center number for 13 hospitals
Date of randomization
Gamma-interferon treatment(rIFN-g) or placebo(Placebo)
Sex of each patient(male, female)
Age of each patient at study entry, in years
Height of each patient at study entry, in cm
Weight of each patient at study entry, in kg
Pattern of inheritance (autosomal recessive, X-linked)
Using corticosteroids at times of study centry(1=Yes, 0=No)
Using prophylactic antibiotics at time of study entry(1=Yes, 0=No)
A categorization of the hospital region into 4 groups
Start of each time interval
Sequence number. For each patient, the infection records are in sequnce number order
End of each time interval
Censoring indicator (1=uncensored, 0=censored)
Fleming, T. R. and Harrington, D. R. (1991). Counting processes and survival analysis. Wiley: New York.
Therneasu, T. (2012). survival: survival analysis, including penalised likelihood. http://CRAN.Rproject. org/package=survival. R pakcage version 2.36-14.
A CmpRsk object is used as the response variable in the model formula. It is created using the function CmpRsk(time, index), where time is the event time and index is an event indicator.
CmpRsk(time, index)
CmpRsk(time, index)
time |
the event time |
index |
the event indicator; values of index must be sequential whole numbers where 0 denotes right censoring and positive numbers refer to different event types. |
frailty.vs is variable-selection procedures (LASSO, SCAD and HL) of fixed effects in frailty models.
frailty.vs(formula, model, penalty, data, B = NULL, v = NULL, alpha = NULL, tun1 = NULL, tun2 = NULL, varfixed = FALSE, varinit = 0.1)
frailty.vs(formula, model, penalty, data, B = NULL, v = NULL, alpha = NULL, tun1 = NULL, tun2 = NULL, varfixed = FALSE, varinit = 0.1)
formula |
A formula object, with the response on the left of a ~ operator, and the terms for the fixed and random effects on the right. e.g. formula=Surv(time,status)~x+(1|id), time : survival time, status : censoring indicator having 1 (0) for uncensored (censored) observation, x : fixed covariate, id : random effect. |
model |
Log-normal frailty models ("lognorm") |
penalty |
Penalty functions ("LASSO" or "SCAD" or "HL")) |
data |
Dataframe used |
B |
Initial values of fixed effects |
v |
Initial values of random effects. Zeros are default |
alpha |
Initial value of variance of random effects. |
tun1 |
Tuning parameter gamma for LASSO, SCAD and HL |
tun2 |
Tuning parameter omega for HL |
varfixed |
Logical value: if TRUE (FALSE), the value of one or more of the variance terms for the frailties is fixed (estimated). |
varinit |
Starting values for frailties, the default is 0.1. |
frailtyHL is used to fit frailty models using h-likelihood estimation procedures. For the frailty distribution lognormal and gamma are allowed. In particular, nested (multilevel) frailty models allow survival studies for hierarchically clustered data by including two iid normal random effects. The h-likelihood uses the Laplace approximation when the numerical integration is intractable, giving a statistically efficient estimation in frailty models (Ha, Lee and Song, 2001; Ha and Lee, 2003, 2005; Lee, Nelder and Pawitan, 2017).
frailtyHL(formula, data, weights, subset, na.action, RandDist = "Normal", mord = 0, dord = 1, Maxiter = 200, convergence = 10^-6, varfixed = FALSE, varinit = c(0.163), varnonneg = FALSE)
frailtyHL(formula, data, weights, subset, na.action, RandDist = "Normal", mord = 0, dord = 1, Maxiter = 200, convergence = 10^-6, varfixed = FALSE, varinit = c(0.163), varnonneg = FALSE)
formula |
A formula object, with the response on the left of a ~ operator, and the terms for the fixed and random effects on the right. e.g. formula=Surv(time,status)~x+(1|id), time : survival time, status : censoring indicator having 1 (0) for uncensored (censored) observation, x : fixed covariate, id : random effect. |
data |
Dataframe for formulaMain. |
weights |
Vector of case weights. |
subset |
Expression indicating which subset of the rows of data should be used in the fit. All observations are included by default. |
na.action |
A missing-data filter function. |
RandDist |
Distribution for random effect ("Normal" or "Gamma"). |
mord |
The order of Laplce approximation to fit the mean parameters (0 or 1); default=0. |
dord |
The order of Laplace approximation to fit the dispersion components (1 or 2); default=1. |
Maxiter |
The maximum number of iterations; default=200. |
convergence |
Specify the convergence criterion, the default is 1e-6. |
varfixed |
Logical value: if TRUE (FALSE), the value of one or more of the variance terms for the frailties is fixed (estimated). |
varinit |
Starting values for frailties, the default is 0.1. |
varnonneg |
Logical value: if TRUE (FALSE), gives zero (NaN) SE for random effects when they are estimated by zeros |
frailtyHL package produces estimates of fixed effects and frailty parameters as well as their standard errors. Also, frailtyHL makes it possible to fit models where the frailty distribution is normal and gamma and estimate variance components when frailty structure is allowed to be shared or nested.
Ha, I. D. and Lee, Y. (2003). Estimating frailty models via Poisson Hierarchical generalized linear models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 12, 663-681.
Ha, I. D. and Lee, Y. (2005). Comparison of hierarchical likelihood versus orthodox best linear unbiased predictor approaches for frailty models. Biometrika, 92, 717-723.
Ha, I. D., Lee, Y. and Song, J. K. (2001). Hierarchical likelihood approach for frailty models. Biometrika, 88, 233-243.
Lee, Y., Nelder, J. A. and Pawitan, Y. (2017). Generalised linear models with random effects: unified analysis via h-likelihood. 2nd Edition. Chapman and Hall: London.
#### Analysis of kidney data data(kidney) #### Normal frailty model using order = 0, 1 for the mean and dispersion kidney_ln01<-frailtyHL(Surv(time,status)~sex+age+(1|id),kidney, RandDist="Normal",mord=0,dord=1) #### Normal frailty model using order = 1, 1 for the mean and dispersion #kidney_ln11<-frailtyHL(Surv(time,status)~sex+age+(1|id),kidney, #RandDist="Normal",mord=1,dord=1) #### Gamma frailty model using order = 0, 2 for the mean and dispersion #kidney_g02<-frailtyHL(Surv(time,status)~sex+age+(1|id),kidney, #RandDist="Gamma",mord=0,dord=2) #### Gamma frailty model using order = 1, 2 for the mean and dispersion #kidney_g12<-frailtyHL(Surv(time,status)~sex+age+(1|id),kidney, #RandDist="Gamma",mord=1,dord=2) #### Analysis of rats data data(rats) #### Cox model rat_cox<-frailtyHL(Surv(time,status)~rx+(1|litter),rats, varfixed=TRUE,varinit=c(0)) #### Normal frailty model using order = 1, 1 for the mean and dispersion #rat_ln11<-frailtyHL(Surv(time,status)~rx+(1|litter),rats, #RandDist="Normal",mord=1,dord=1,varinit=c(0.9)) #### Gamma frailty model using order = 1, 2 for the mean and dispersion #rat_g12<-frailtyHL(Surv(time,status)~rx+(1|litter),rats, #RandDist="Gamma",mord=1,dord=2,convergence=10^-4,varinit=c(0.9)) #### Analysis of CGD data data(cgd) #### Multilevel normal frailty model using order = 1, 1 for the mean and dispersion #cgd_ln11<-frailtyHL(Surv(tstop-tstart,status)~treat+(1|center)+(1|id),cgd, #RandDist="Normal",mord=1,dord=1,convergence=10^-4,varinit=c(0.03,1.0))
#### Analysis of kidney data data(kidney) #### Normal frailty model using order = 0, 1 for the mean and dispersion kidney_ln01<-frailtyHL(Surv(time,status)~sex+age+(1|id),kidney, RandDist="Normal",mord=0,dord=1) #### Normal frailty model using order = 1, 1 for the mean and dispersion #kidney_ln11<-frailtyHL(Surv(time,status)~sex+age+(1|id),kidney, #RandDist="Normal",mord=1,dord=1) #### Gamma frailty model using order = 0, 2 for the mean and dispersion #kidney_g02<-frailtyHL(Surv(time,status)~sex+age+(1|id),kidney, #RandDist="Gamma",mord=0,dord=2) #### Gamma frailty model using order = 1, 2 for the mean and dispersion #kidney_g12<-frailtyHL(Surv(time,status)~sex+age+(1|id),kidney, #RandDist="Gamma",mord=1,dord=2) #### Analysis of rats data data(rats) #### Cox model rat_cox<-frailtyHL(Surv(time,status)~rx+(1|litter),rats, varfixed=TRUE,varinit=c(0)) #### Normal frailty model using order = 1, 1 for the mean and dispersion #rat_ln11<-frailtyHL(Surv(time,status)~rx+(1|litter),rats, #RandDist="Normal",mord=1,dord=1,varinit=c(0.9)) #### Gamma frailty model using order = 1, 2 for the mean and dispersion #rat_g12<-frailtyHL(Surv(time,status)~rx+(1|litter),rats, #RandDist="Gamma",mord=1,dord=2,convergence=10^-4,varinit=c(0.9)) #### Analysis of CGD data data(cgd) #### Multilevel normal frailty model using order = 1, 1 for the mean and dispersion #cgd_ln11<-frailtyHL(Surv(tstop-tstart,status)~treat+(1|center)+(1|id),cgd, #RandDist="Normal",mord=1,dord=1,convergence=10^-4,varinit=c(0.03,1.0))
Perform hierarchical likelihood estimation of the univariate frailty model, cause-specific frailty model and subhazard frailty model. Assuming either a univariate normal or multivariate normal distribution for the random effects V, where different covariance structures can be assumed for the multivariate normal distribution.
hlike.frailty(formula, data, inits, order = 1, frailty.cov = "none", subHazard = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, MAX.ITER = 100, TOL = 1e-06)
hlike.frailty(formula, data, inits, order = 1, frailty.cov = "none", subHazard = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, MAX.ITER = 100, TOL = 1e-06)
formula |
left-hand side is a CmpRsk object (see details), right-hand side is predictors (currently limited to numeric main effects), must include a cluster term that identifies the cluster variable. |
data |
dataframe containing the variables used in the formula |
inits |
list of initial values, three named components: beta, v and theta |
order |
numeric, order of the Laplace approximation, 0=no order, 1=first-order, 2=second-order; second-order only applies to models with a univariate normal distribution |
frailty.cov |
character string "none", "independent" or "unstructured" specifying the covariance structure for a multivariate normal distribution; "none" indicates univariate normal distribution |
subHazard |
logical, if TRUE fits the subhazard frailty model |
alpha |
numeric, 100(1-alpha) percent confidence intervals |
numeric, maximum number of iterations |
numeric, tolerance limit |
jmfit is used to fit joint modelling of longitudinal and time-to-event data by using h-likelihood. The response of interest would involve repeated measurements over time on the same subject as well as time to an event of interest with or without competing risks.
jmfit(jm, data, jm2 = NULL, data2 = NULL, Maxiter)
jmfit(jm, data, jm2 = NULL, data2 = NULL, Maxiter)
jm |
list of |
data |
list of dataframes containing the variables used in the jm. |
jm2 |
list of |
data2 |
dataframes containing the variables used in the jm2. |
Maxiter |
numeric, maximum number of iterations |
The jointmodeling specifies jointly both the hazard model in the frailty model and the mean model in the linear mixed model.
jointmodeling(Model = "mean", RespDist = "gaussian", Link = NULL, LinPred = "constant", RandDist = NULL, Offset = NULL)
jointmodeling(Model = "mean", RespDist = "gaussian", Link = NULL, LinPred = "constant", RandDist = NULL, Offset = NULL)
Model |
This option specifies the mean model when Model="mean" (default). |
RespDist |
This option specifies the distribution of response variables (linear mixed model: "gaussian" or accelerated failure time model : "AFT" or frailty model : "FM") |
Link |
The link function for the linear predictor is specified by the option Link. For "AFT" or "FM" (or "gaussian") in RespDist, it is specified by "log" (or "identity"). |
LinPred |
The option LinPred specifies the fixed and random terms for the linear predictor. |
RandDist |
The option RandDist specifies the distributions of the random terms represented in the option LinPred. |
Offset |
The option Offset can be used to specify a known component to be included in the linear predictor specified by LinPred during fitting. |
The data presented by McGilchrist and Aisbett (1991) consist of times to the first and second recurrences of infection in 38 kidney patients using a portable dialysis machine. Infections can occur at the location of insertion of the catheter. The catheter is later removed if infection occurs and can be removed for other reasons, in which case the observation is censored.
A data frame with 76 observations on the following 10 variables.
Patient number for 38 patients
Time to infection since insertion of the catheter
Censoring indicator(1=uncensored, 0=censored)
Age of each patient, in years
Sex of each patient(1=male, 2=female)
Disease type(GN, AN, PKD, Other)
Frailty estimate from original paper
Indicator for disease type GN
Indicator for disease type AN
Indicator for disease type PKD
McGilchrist, C. A. and Aisbett, C. W. (1991). Regression with frailty in survival analysis. Biometrics, 47, 461-466.
Therneasu, T. (2012). survival: survival analysis, including penalised likelihood. http://CRAN.Rproject. org/package=survival. R pakcage version 2.36-14.
mlmfit is used to fit linear mixed models with censoring by using h-likelihood.
mlmfit(jm1, data, weights, subset, na.action, Maxiter = 200)
mlmfit(jm1, data, weights, subset, na.action, Maxiter = 200)
jm1 |
This option requires |
data |
dataframe containing the variables used in the jm1 |
weights |
Vector of case weights. |
subset |
Expression indicating which subset of the rows of data should be used in the fit. All observations are included by default. |
na.action |
A missing-data filter function. |
Maxiter |
numeric, maximum number of iterations |
Rats data set presented by Mantel et al. (1977) is based on a tumorigenesis study of 50 litters of female rats. For each litter, one rat was selected to receive the drug and the other two rats were placebo-treated controls. The survival time is the time to the development of tumor, measured in weeks. Death before occurrent of tumor yields a right-censored observation; 40 rats developed a tumor, leading to censoring of about 73 percent.
A data frame with 150 observations on the following 4 variables.
Litter number for 50 female rats
Treatment(1=drug, 0=placebo)
Time to the devlopment of tumor in weeks
Censoring indicator(1=uncensored, 0=censored)
Mantel,N., Bohidar N. R. and Ciminera, J. L. (1977). Mantel-Haenszel analyses of litter-matched time-to-response data, with modifications for recovery of interlitter information. Cancer Research, 37, 3863-3868.
Therneasu, T. (2012). survival: survival analysis, including penalised likelihood. http://CRAN.Rproject. org/package=survival. R pakcage version 2.36-14.
The data set by presented Gail et al. (1980) is based on multiple occurrences of mammary tumors for 48 female rats. The primary outcome of interest was time to development of a mammary tumor for 23 female rats in the treatment group and 25 female rats in the control group. Initially, 76 rats were injected with a carcinogen for mammary cancer at day zero, and then all rats were given retinyl acetate to prevent cancer for 60 days. After 60 days, forty-eight rats which remained tumor-free were randomly assigned to continue being treated with retinoid prophylaxis (treatment group) or to the control group receiving no further retinoid prophylaxis. Rats were palpated for tumors twice weekly and observation ended 182 days after the initial carcinogen injection. In some cases, there were multiple tumors detected by the same day. The number of tumors ranges from 0 to 13.
A data frame with 254 observations on the following 6 variables.
Rat id
Start time
Stop time
Censoring indicator(1=tumor, 0=censored)
Treatment indicator(1=drug, 0=control)
time2-time1 (time=time+0.01 if there are ties)
Gail, M.H. Santner, T.J. and Brown, C.C. (1980), An analysis of comparative carcinogenesis experiments based on multiple times to tumor. Biometrics, 36, 255-266.
Ha, I. D., Jeong, J. H. and Lee, Y. (2017). Statistical modelling of survival data with random effects: h-likelihood approach. Springer, in press.
This is a data set from a clinical study to investigate the chronic renal allograft dysfunction in renal transplants (Ha et al., 2017). Data were available from 87 male and 25 female renal transplanted patients who survived more than 4 years after transplant. For each patient, both repeated-measure outcomes (serum creatinine levels) at several time points and a terminating event time (graft-loss time) were observed.
A data frame with 1395 observations on the following 9 variables.
Patient id
Time points (month) at which the measurements of sCr were recorded
Serum creatinine (sCr) level
Sex(1=male, 0=female)
Reciprocal of sCr(=1/sCr)
Time to graft loss
Censoring indicator(1=graft loss, 0=no event)
The first survival time (time to graft loss) of each patient
Ha, I. D., Noh, M. and Lee, Y. (2017). H-likelihood approach for joint modelling of longitudinal outcomes and time-to-event data. Biometrical Journal, 59, 1122–1143.
Ha, I. D., Jeong, J.-H. and Lee, Y. (2017). Statistical modelling of survival data with random effects: h-likelihood approach. Springer, in press.
A data set for the cause-specific hazard frailty model assuming a bivariate normal distribution is generated using a technique similar to Beyersmann et al. (2009) and Christian et al. (2016). Let there be two event types, Types 1 and 2, as well as independent censoring. Consider a sample size n = 100 with (q, ni) = (50, 3). Here, q is the number of clusters and ni is the cluster size. The random effects (log-frailties) are from bivariate normal with mean vector (0,0) and variance-covariance matrix having (1,1,-0.5). Data are generated from the conditional cause-specific hazard rates for each event type given the random effects. Here, for Type 1 event the two true regression parameters are (0.6, -0.4) with a constant baseline hazard 2 and for Type 2 event the true parameters are (-0.3, 0.7) with a constant baseline hazard 0.5, respectively. The covariates x1 and x2 are generated from a standard normal distribution and a Bernoulli distribution with probability 0.5, respectively. Censoring times are generated from a Uniform(0, 1.3) distribution. Under this scenario, with 25.2% censoring, the proportions of Type 1 and Type 2 events are 53.2% and 21.6%, respectively.
A data frame with 250 observations on the following 6 variables.
Observation number
Id number
Time to event
Event indicator(2=Type 2 event, 1=Type 1 event, 0=censored)
A covariate from standard normal distribution
A covariate from Bernoulli normal distribution
Beyersmann, J., Dettenkofer, M., Bertz, H. and Schumacher, M. (2007). A competing risks analysis of bloodstream infection after stem-cell transplantation using subdistribution hazardsa and cause-specific hazards. Statistics in Medicine, 26, 5360-5369.
Christian, N. J., Ha, I. D. and Jeong, J. H. (2016). Hierarchical likelihood inference on clustered competing risks data. Statistics in Medicine, 35, 251-267.
Ha, I. D., Jeong, J. H. and Lee, Y. (2017). Statistical modelling of survival data with random effects: h-likelihood approach. Springer, in press.